Saturday, January 30, 2010

CoZzMiX Travels - Hanga Roa

I know everyone probably wants to see Moai, but when I was coming to Easter Island (Rapa Nui) I was surprised at how little information was available about Hanga Roa the islands tiny capital, so I decided to devote a cozzmix Travels video to this the only town on the Island. It may be very small and isolated but Hanga Roa is a friendly civilized place with a very low crime rate, the sort of place where you can let your kids go out to play without worrying weather or not they will come back. While everything has to be flown in from Santiago and the verity of goods available in the shops is limited there is everything you need, plus a few luxury items. Don't come here if you are looking for 5star luxury- there are no hotels above 3star, however there are some wonderful bed and breakfast type establishments which are usually family run. Its not a party place but there are a few places where you can dance the night away to a mix of local music and international favorites -- they are frequented mainly by locals of all ages but visitors are always made to feel very welcome. Although the main industry is tourism only a handful of people make it to this remote Island and the place never feels anything like crowded. If you ever come to Easter Island this is where your accommodation will be, there is no where else. So lets take a tour of Hanga Roa...

Friday, January 29, 2010



Thursday, January 28, 2010

In Search Of... Easter Island Massacre (Part 1 of 3) Nimoy

Season 1, Episode 17, Part 1 of 3

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Easter Island - Rano Raraku (4)

Easter Island - Rano Raraku - the place moai statues were built ブログ「有給休暇で地球を闊歩・ビジネスマン40日間世界一周」

Monday, January 25, 2010

Outer Space Building

Laser Lights In Space Travel ... living in space light speed laser lights travel Egypt Pyramids Aliens Contact Ancient Civilization Lost Civilizations Egyptian Humanity Alien Design Conspiracy Theories Theory Easter Island Stonehenge Britain Astronauts Proof Evolutionary Doctrine Moai Inanimate Objects Universe Astronomy Planets Mars Discovery Science The Spirit Opportunity Rovers NASA Documentary Documentaries Scientist Red Planet Monuments Wonders of the World ...

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Erich von Däniken - Chariots of the Gods 1970_6.avi

Journey deep into the ancient world of Egyptian Pyramids, Stonehenge, Balbek in Lebanon and the giant heads of Easter Island. Are we to believe, that thousands of years ago, before the advent of modern machinery, Egyptian workers transferred the massive blocks used to build the Great Pyramids across northern Africa using wooden rollers or was extraterrestrial technology handed down to primitive man thousands of years ago to build these massive structures or did 'ancient astronauts' ie, ...

Friday, January 22, 2010

The Lost Gods of Easter Island (Osa 1/5)

The Lost Gods of Easter Island Dokumentaalfilm Lihavõttesaarest ja tema ajaloost. Miks püstitasid lihavõttesaarlased hiiglaslikke kivist monumente ja mida või keda kujutasid endast puidust inim-looma hübriididest kujukesed. Documentary of Easter Island and its native people. Why did they build those huge stonemonuments and little men-like woodcarvings. FAIR USE NOTICE: These pages may contain copyrighted (© ) material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the ...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

RAPA NUI biblioteca pública n° 5 Isla de Pascua

Presentación de la cultura Rapa Nui en fotografias ... "Rapa Nui" "Easter Island" "Isla de Pascua" Moai Osterinsel "Ile de paque" Påskön Anakena Tongariki tour aotour "rano raraku" biblioteca library tahai tapati cultura culture fotos photos mysterious misterios "rano kao" orongo polinesia polynesia presentation presentación hospedaje ballerino hotu

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Ten Must-Go-To Places in Chile

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Chile is located along South America's west coast. It is bordered by Bolivia, Peru, Andes, and Argentina. Chile has beautiful pristine beaches that warrant the attention they get from tourists and locals alike, but other than majestic beaches, here are some of the places that you have to visit while in Chile.

1.) Cathedral of San Marcos

If you are going to stay in Chile, then Arica is a must-see place. Here, you will see the Cathedral of San Marcos. The designer of this cathedral is the same person who designed the Eiffel Tower, as such, this has become a tourist destination.

2.) Baquedano Street

It you want old-style streets, then drop by Baquedano Street. Walk along its cobblestone streets and marvel at its old-western style atmosphere. You can also find a lot of tourists here buying their souvenirs as well as enjoying other activities.

3.) Zofri

This is a duty-free zone in Iquique and is a favorite shopping area of locals and visitors alike. This place is a must-go-to because you can find cheap electronics here as well as cheaper memory cards. There are other items that you can buy as well.

4.) La Serena

This is an appealing Chilean town that has lots to offer visitors. Here, you can visit a museum where you can see an authentic Rapa Nui Moai head. You can also visit the observatory that is always open for the public to visit.

5.) Vaparaiso

This is a city in Chile that is popular because of its Bohemian culture, the colorfully-painted houses and the majestic views of its beaches and seaside. There are so many places you can visit here like the Plaza Echaurren-Serrano Street, La Matriz Church, and Ex Carcel. You can also visit La Sebastiana, home (at least one of his three houses) of the famous poet, Pablo Neruda.

6.) Chuquicamata

This was once a beautiful town, but now, it is a dying town. There is a mine here that is a must-see for any visitors, and it is advisable to go on a guided tour so as not to miss its history. You can still see here some equipments as well as vehicles that were used in the mine.

7.) Vina Del Mar

Home to wonderful coastline, this is a favorite destination for the sun worshippers and the beach lovers, but beware though because its waters are not that friendly for swimming. It is best to just walk along the shoreline and enjoy the view it offers, or you can just walk along Vina Del Mar's downtown to enjoy the delicious native cuisine of Chile or buy your souvenirs. The best month to visit this place is in February where a lot of festivals are held.

8.) Parque Metropolitano

This big park is located in Santiago de Chile. From here, you can see a wonderful view of the city of Santiago, and you can also see the Andes. You can go up to its summit by riding a cablecar or driving your car, or you can even go on a hike to reach the top where you will get to enjoy the botanical garden and a zoo.

9.) Santiago Centro

This is a great place to immerse yourself with Chilean everyday life. You can stroll along its paseos. Word of caution though, beware of pickpockets.

10.) Rancagua

Here, you can go to the Las Termas de Cauquenes where you can enjoy a nice hot bath from its natural hot spring waters. When done with your relaxing thermal bath, then go on to Reserva Nacional Rio Los Cipreses, Rancaua's national park that offers a great camping experience. You can also visit Sewell, a mining town that is now non-operational.

Jonathan Williams is the travel writer for Destination Guide TV - the place to share travel videos [] Visit [] to view or share Chile travel videos []

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Easter Island (South Pacific)

View fro Cruise Ship on Easter Island in South Pacific Ocean. (Feb.2006) Easter Island - Moai - Statue - CruiseLine Web - Made with Sony DSC-V1 Photos on http .

Monday, January 18, 2010

Animal Crossing: Wild World - My house

Nombre: Juan Pueblo: Johntown -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mi house in Animal Crossing: Wild World, I've got some interesting objects: - A Mermaid, a statue you can find in Copenhague. - A Moai from Easter Island. - The Bocca della Verità, from Rome. - An Arwing from StarFox. - The Triforce and the Master Sword from Zelda. - A Metroid from Metroid. - A tribal Mask. - A Merlion, from China. - The photos of Pascal and Nook. - A birthday cake. ...

Sunday, January 17, 2010



Saturday, January 16, 2010

Easter Island - Archaeological Site - A toppled and wrecked Moai

A moai, a characteristic sculpture made from Rapa Nui at a lost civilization, is toppled and destroyed in this archaeological site on Easter Island.

Friday, January 15, 2010

The Canon D10 waterproof camera goes for a swim off the coast of Easter Island

It really is waterproof (according to Canon), to a depth of 33 ft. Beautiful beach!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Lost Gods of Easter Island (Osa 4/5)

The Lost Gods of Easter Island Dokumentaalfilm Lihavõttesaarest ja tema ajaloost. Miks püstitasid lihavõttesaarlased hiiglaslikke kivist monumente ja mida või keda kujutasid endast puidust inim-looma hübriididest kujukesed. Documentary of Easter Island and its native people. Why did they build those huge stonemonuments and little men-like woodcarvings. FAIR USE NOTICE: These pages may contain copyrighted (© ) material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the ...

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

10 Wonders of the World

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We are all curious about the Wonders of the World
except my friend, Roger Fundab, who isn't interested in anything but hunting and fishing.

I've tried to get Roger interested by sending him to: [] where all of the wonders are listed as I've shown below.

At: [] you can click on any of these wonders and learn what there is to know about them. I'll leave that process up to you.

Roger said he had no interest in Wonders, yet I learned that he
actually has his own list tacked to the wall above his bunk at the Drake Lake Advanced Hunters Club. I've added it to the end of the Official Wonder Lists.

Forgotten Wonders:

Abu Simbel Temple in Egypt

Angkor Wat in Cambodia

The Aztec Temple in Tenochtitlan (Mexico City), Mexico

The Banaue Rice Terraces in the Philippines

Borobudur Temple in Indonesia

The Colosseum in Rome, Italy

The Great Wall of China

The Inca city of Machu Picchu, Peru

The Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy

The Mayan Temples of Tikal in Northern Guatemala

The Moai Statues in Rapa Nui (Easter Island), Chile

Mont-Saint-Michel in Normandy, France

The Throne Hall of Persepolis in Iran

The Parthenon in Athens, Greece

Petra, the rock-carved city in Jordan

The Shwedagon Pagoda in Myanmar

Stonehenge in England

Taj Mahal in Agra, India

The Temple of the Inscriptions in Palenque, Mexico

Modern Wonders

The Channel Tunnel

The Clock Tower (Big Ben) in London, England

The CN Tower in Toronto, Canada

Eiffel Tower in Paris, France

The Empire State Building in New York City, USA

The Gateway Arch in St. Louis, USA

The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, USA

The High Dam in Aswan, Egypt

Hoover Dam in Arizona/Nevada, USA

Itaipú Dam in Brazil/Paraguay

Mount Rushmore National Memorial in South Dakota, USA

The Panama Canal

The Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

The Statue of Cristo Redentor in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

The Statue of Liberty in New York City, USA

The Suez Canal in Egypt

The Sydney Opera House in Australia

Natural Wonders

Angel Falls in Venezuela

The Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia, Canada

The Grand Canyon in Arizona, USA

The Great Barrier Reef in Australia

Iguaçú Falls in Brazil/Argentina

Krakatoa Island in Indonesia

Mount Everest in Nepal

Mount Fuji in Japan

Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania

Niagara Falls in Ontario (Canada) and New York State (USA)

Paricutin Volcano in Mexico

Victoria Falls in Zambia/Zimbabwe

Roger Fundab's List

The Blue Skies of Montana

The Great Lakes

Marilyn Monroe

The Flowers in Sage Brush Canyon in the Tetons

Joe Montana

John F. Kennedy


Wall Drug Store in South Dakota

The Corn Palace in Nebraska

The Drake Lake Advanced Hunters Club

Copyright©John T. Jones, Ph.D. 2005

John T. Jones, Ph.D. (, a retired college professor and business executive, Former editor of an international engineering magazine. To learn more about Wealthy Affiliate University go to his info site. If you desire a flagpole to Fly Old Glory, go to the business site.

More info:

Business web site:

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Super Mario Land -- World 3-1 and 3-2

And now... ... ...wait, what? Moai? Really? That's neat and all, but what's the deal with that? Although I will admit that there's a certain naming similarity to Tatanga to Tangata manu of Rapa Nui (Easter Island)...but that's a long story and a real stretch if you're going to call an alien invader a "bird-man"... Anyway, this is one heck of a long stage...seriously. The stages definitely get a boost to how long they run and the complexity of the enemy placement, as if World 2's advances ...

Monday, January 11, 2010

Easter Island visit

A fascinating trip to a mysterious island. There are many theories about how the statues (80 tons) were moved from the quarry, but none have been proven to be accurate.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Mysterious Journeys - Easter Island (3/5)

Mysterious Journeys 43:30 Huvitav dokumentaalfilm Lihavõttesaarest. Spekuleeritakse kuidas ennevanasti inimesed sinna saarele pääsesid ja kes nad olid. Kuidas tahuti kuulsad Moai'd ning mis rahva saarel hukutas. Interesting documentary about Easter Island and it's history. How were Moais built and where did the Easter Island people go. FAIR USE NOTICE: These pages may contain copyrighted (© ) material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such ...

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Need Investor For Prototype Car

time so instead we are now building the DREAMCAR ... Electric RC Cars living in space light speed laser lights travel Egypt Pyramids Aliens Contact Ancient Civilization Lost Civilizations Egyptian Humanity Alien Design Conspiracy Theories Theory Easter Island Stonehenge Britain Astronauts Proof Evolutionary Doctrine Moai Inanimate Objects Universe Astronomy Planets Mars Discovery Science The Spirit Opportunity Rovers NASA Documentary Documentaries Scientist Red Planet Monuments Wonders of ...

Friday, January 8, 2010

[DSC] WSUS - Did Aliens Build the Pyramids_1.avi

Journey deep into the ancient world of Egyptian Pyramids, Stonehenge, Balbek in Lebanon and the giant heads of Easter Island. Are we to believe, that thousands of years ago, before the advent of modern machinery, Egyptian workers transferred the massive blocks used to build the Great Pyramids across northern Africa using wooden rollers or was extraterrestrial technology handed down to primitive man thousands of years ago to build these massive structures or did 'ancient astronauts' ie, ...

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Building In Space With Robots

Building In Space With Robots ... Building In Space With Robots Egypt Pyramids Aliens Contact Ancient Civilization Lost Civilizations Egyptian Humanity Alien Design Conspiracy Theories Theory Easter Island Stonehenge Britain Astronauts Proof Evolutionary Doctrine Moai Inanimate Objects Universe Astronomy Planets Mars Discovery Science The Spirit Opportunity Rovers NASA Documentary Documentaries Scientist Red Planet Monuments Wonders of the World ...

Wednesday, January 6, 2010



Tuesday, January 5, 2010

O! Moyai statue + ○○ =? (sub)

Moyai statue was made on the model of Moai in Easter Island. I love this drawing XD

Monday, January 4, 2010

The Mythology of Easter Island

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Mention Easter Island and most people immediately think of the enigmatic giant stone faces placed along the coastline that stare stoically, either out to sea or inland at the inhabitants. Being part of the Polynesian triangle in the Pacific there are many myths and legends attached to this remote and mysterious island, with many of the 'facts' being barely indistinguishable from fanciful conjecture.

However, what is indisputable is that the island has witnessed trauma and tribulation in almost equal measures over the last few centuries; including overcoming the threat of human extinction more than once. The local population have survived epidemics, famines, civil wars, slavery, hostile occupation and the near-collapse of their ecosystem, but are now thriving by promoting their incredible heritage and history to inquisitive visitors from all over the world.

In addition, the natural beauty of the island also provides stunning white sand beaches suitable for snorkelling and scuba diving, fishing and even surfing. An incredible caves network near Ana Kakenga - that was naturally created through the volcanic rock from which the island is derived - proves a big draw for many visitors. There are also opportunities to partake in horseback riding or bicycling, and to visit plenty of local crafts shops selling fantastic wood carvings.

Undeniably, the big attraction for most visitors to Easter Island is the giant heads - the vast majority of these remarkable monoliths are carved from compacted volcanic ash. Known as moai, they are dotted all over Easter Island and are actually enlarged heads attached to tiny torsos, with the latter regularly buried leaving only the face visible. Almost all the 887 moai were toppled during tribal wars in the 18th and 19th centuries and it wasn't until the 1950s that a concerted effort to stand them upright began, following extensive excavations by explorer Thor Heyerdahl.

There is much to see relating to the moai, starting with the quarry where they were all extracted and carved at Rano Raraku. Here is clear evidence of the tools used to carve the heads - simple stone chisels - and also a vast number of moai that never left the quarry. In fact, only one quarter of those carved ever made it to installation and it is estimated that it took six men a year to carve each monument.

Discovered and named on Easter Sunday 1722 - by Dutch explorer Jacob Roggeveen - Easter Island is a territory of Chile, even though it is situated some 2,300 miles west of South America. The most remote inhabited island in the world measuring a mere 15 by 10 miles, its nearest neighbour - a mere 1,260 miles away - is the even smaller inhabited island of Pitcairn. And because it is so remote, there is no other viable option but to take flights to Easter Island if you wish to visit this remarkable island.

And, if you do wish to travel to Easter Island then make sure that you allow enough time to see everything, as despite its small size the island is literally stuffed with attractions.

Daniel Collins writes on a number of topics on behalf of a digital marketing agency and a variety of clients. As such, this article is to be considered a professional piece with business interests in mind.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Moai Head Spin

3d rotation of easter island moai head model

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Ile de Paques

3 jours chez les moais ... ile paques easter island davallantin Rapa nui moai

Friday, January 1, 2010

Medication For Panic Attacks - What is Available to Overcome Anxiety Attacks

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It is often the way in our modern culture to look to solve our problems with pills. Medication for panic attacks is available but there are many reason why you might want to try not using it to overcome panic attacks. Here are some of my thoughts for you to consider.

What is available? Well, there are three main types of drug available known as SSRI's, TCA's and MAOI's. They work by interfering with brain-chemistry in order to get a better balance for the patient. They alter you to make you better.

SSRI's are Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors. These work by changing the serotonin activity within your brain-chemistry and are the most popular drug type used for anxiety and depression where other approaches have not worked. The best known drug of this type is known as Prozac.

TCA's or TriCyclic Antidepressants are a slightly older type of antidepressant. They work in a similar but less effective way to SSRI medication and were developed in response to the dangers of MOAI's.

Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MOAI's) are an older but very effective form of antidepressant medication. They are used little these days because of the dietary restrictions and risky side effects associated with them.

Importantly, if you are suffering from panic attacks, you may want to consider non-pharmaceutical methods for dealing with your anxiety rather than taking medication for panic attacks. The risks and side effects make it a sensible course of action to follow before charging off for medicine.

So what are the non-medicinal approaches you can take? Herbal remedies are known and some people find them completely effective in helping them move on with their lives and overcome their anxiety. St. John's Wort is a well known herbal remedy alleged to help people overcome anxiety and depression. It is available in most herbal and health food stores.

Alternatively, rather than taking a herbal drug, you could consider cognitive behaviour modification or therapy which is permanent rather than being dependent upon taking a pill everyday of your life. This works by helping you take control of how you feel. Rather than remaining a passenger to your emotions, you learn to become a master of them.

The most popular online method as an alternative for medication for panic attacks has helped over 34,000 overcome anxiety. Their website offers FREE MATERIAL TO DOWNLOAD to help you overcome panic and anxiety disorder.

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