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He winked one eye,
After four billion years;
Uncovering the blind,
Naked, and feared.
Then, articulating,
Fibers and cells
He lifted, constructed,
Tailored, and milled.
With soil and soul,
He then conceived
Was now relieved.
Now, cries were heard
Throughout the land:
Homo was here—by God’s hand!”
The Garden of Eve
Says the Author: “Hidden in the myths of ‘Atlantis,’ the ‘Garden of Eden,’ the prehistoric time of the ‘Dinosaurs,’ and the supernatural, resides the story of: ‘After Eve.’ ”
Map of Rivers and Sumer
This story is really a lot about the Garden of Eve, or ‘Eden’, if one is looking to find the Garden of Eden, s/he need not look too far, it is in the Mesopotamian marshlands between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, and here, and thereabouts will be our story.
On another note, or should I say, almost on the same note but not quite, if one is looking for Eve, again you do not have to look too far: she is coming out of the garden. Some say, on memorandums she came from Africa: maybe so—maybe not; this book is not going to fight, or debate over or with anyone on this matter, which is not the premise of this book in the first place, that is: where she came from: but rather, where she left; that is, left from to go to.
Next, let’s simply enjoy a story with a tall-tale: and possible we may end up understanding other possibilities; in any case, maybe Adam came from Africa, and Eve came from Adam, while in the Garden and they both roamed back to Africa somewhere along their long journey in life, after the expulsion that is, so many possibilities. In any case, there is much prospective in this area, and one is as good as the other to or for me. But for historical sake let’s stick with some of what is considered history retold over several thousands of years, instead of history repeated from books written a hundred years ago, or last year. Yet we must not forget the bits and pieces of a conglomeration of everything, which makes for a better story. Having said that, and admitting my story is pure science-fiction, we can now slip by the DNA, like the Genesis debate that has been going on for over a century and look deeper into our spiritual inheritance.
In the ‘Garden of Eve,’ as it was known among the Horde, until it was called the land of Eden by the Stone-Builders, and then acquired the full and legendary name we all know it by today, that being: “The Garden of Eden,” the ordinary laws of nature were suspended; as a result, there was no struggle for existence within its erosion free garden-continent, or put another way: around its perimeters. By and large, it was an environment free of volcanic upheavals, unlike its outside world, which surrounded it, and was subject to such hazards of nature. This of course was all altered and neutralized upon the couple’s expulsion from the garden [which of course is pure history and recorded for posterity’s sake].
In my simplicity, and imagined dream, there was no conclusive evidence of anything, much resembling the science of our day: with a speculative, mind's eye view at best—I can only tell what came to me as a result of my dream and will not be subject—as it is not my nature to be—of any foolish curiosity by others. So I need not be tired out by trying to prove anything, or bend for any man to prove a fact if my words are doubted—be that as it may. I must end this prelude quick, for it should not be allowed to monopolize what I have to share to the world. But let enthusiasm be your guide in the following story. This book will be an easy and most interesting read; however, embarrassing it may be to/for the elite, the proclaimed dubious honoring, sciences of: Anthropology, Darwinism, Evolutionist, and let’s add, The New Age group: which is in essence, part of the Evolutionist—of which I give sympathetic laughter to: the greatest demonstration being, --to this universal doubt, yet filled to the brim of a quarry —‘Where do we go from here?’ and you got it, they are still asking that same old question: ‘Where did we come from?’ but with more authority of course now; simply this is just another unanswered question, by this quarry. And so it begs an answer, maybe that is why I got this dream. But let’s remember—for the sake of argument—all answers do not have to be the ones you are looking for.
I wasn’t sure if I was going to put an introduction into this story, but at the last minute I felt I needed some kind of a lead into the story, or so I feel I do now: actually, after the whole story was done, I thought of this, you’d think it should be outlined in the beginning, wouldn’t you—oh well, it might help the story and then it may confuse the reader before he gets into the story, for it doesn’t really add to it, or take from it. And it is not of the same dream, although it is of a part of a dream many years ago. In l984, I had over 50-visions of happenings worldwide and other things, not dreams now, let’s not mix those up. In any case, in the l990’s I had about 10-more of those so called vision-dreams. I don’t want to get into them at this point, I have already published that book: “The Last Trumpet and the Woodbridge Demon,” but into a new area, that actually links into this story of, “After Eve.”
I was really trying to get away from, or avoid, such things as: Darwinism, and Atlantis, and Aliens, Anthropology, Archeology, and all such things, and just present a nice little dream story, but when you start out a book, you really never know how it’s going to end, or what it’s going to involve, entail; or how it’s going to affect you. You learn while you write it, as well as doing the research, and you learn from so many others also.
While on the Easter Island I met Charlie Love, an Archeologist and Geologist, and an Anthropologist; Charlie has been to the island for the past 26-years or so he told me. We stayed [my wife and me] at the same hotel he stays at, and the Movie Star, Kevin Costner stayed at, of which Charlie help with producing a Moai for the movie, a replica. In any event, Charlie had worked on one of the Moais that now stand at the dock, kind of greeting people as they go down and watch the sunset, as we did often. And he was working on another site nearby when we were there. We had a few drinks one evening together, and on the way back to the hotel we talked on the transportation of the Moais, that is, how they got moved, he was quite frank and soft spoken. Not arrogant about his knowledge, and my possible, lack of it. Yet as he explained no one really knows how the heavier ones were moved, having heard that I couldn’t help but give my idea, especially after he insisted I do. Well I did, and I think it was a bit too supernatural for him, but then who knows. So Charlie, let me know when you do find out. Again I want to say he is probably the most humble and knowledgeable man in this area. Both of us having old medical issues, we both know the precious element of time and life. Life is to be prospected, we need not create hardships or persuade anyone to something that they wish not to be pushed toward, and he was kind in this area, as I hope I was.
Now if I can put a scientific-concept into motion here, call it mine or call it anyone’s, but let’s see how it fits, and then connect into my little story to follow:
Imagine, the Lost Records
Once upon a time, 35,600 years ago [33,600 BC], a space ship landed on earth from a space station from Mars, which happened to stop at the outpost on the Moon, for re-supplying. The Captain’s name was, Ta-mait; their home planet was quite a distance away, so far that the outposts were needed one might say. It was a planet similar to that of the Arctic region on earth, yet for some odd reason they had picked out this planet to cultivate. Their space craft, similar to ours used gold for a source needed in space flight, as well as for their planet needs. Much of this was mined in South Africa, and in old Samaria. To the inhabitants of earth, these beings were like gods. With the capability of genetic ingenerating, we ended up looking a lot like them I suppose; their God being the same as our God.
Well, time did go on, and now the year is 22,600 BC, and the gods of yesterday are half-gods of today [but we are not talking about the real One God remember], for the most part anyway [in addition, one must remember, that the good captain surely left some of these beings alone to wonder the earth, and in doing so, we might have a few among us today]. That is half human, and half supernatural. One could point to Gilgamesh, who is said to have been one third human, and two thirds god [god in this context being simply supernatural to us readers], whom lived in Uruk, in the land of Sumer, but Gilgamesh lived around 2700 BC, and our story is not quite there yet. Yes, 11,000-years have passed; the time of Leo is here. The pyramids are being built, the Sphinx is built. Atlantis will be a country, given to the half-god, Poseidon [or demigod], given to him by his father a full-angelic-god of sorts. Now the son is to be called a Titan, giant of sorts; especially in the land of Crete. He will name Atlantis after his daughter, and so the walls of Atlantis and its civilization come about. And it is built right where Plato said it should be, at the foot of the Azores. The year 9550 BC, it will be destroyed two or three times, the third time forever, 8560 BC [or 11,560- years ago, the time right after Leo, or when Leo the constellation was over looking the Middle East] it will sink 7000-feet in the Atlantic.
It is now 5600 BC [or 7603-years ago]. We have just witnessed the expulsion of Eve from the Garden of Eden. And this is really where our story begins. But for the sake of this story, let me go into the future for the inhabitants of this time. What they do not know is that, in a very short period of time, again, there will be genetic deformity within the human race, in which 4,090,000 giants will die in a flood, that will take place 3850 BC, or in approximately, 1750-years, there will be a flood [from the time of Eve], a monstrous-gigantic-wave that will go 8-miles in the air, and when it lands it will break the landmass of the continents, in what is called the ‘Conventional Drift,’ of which has been said to have happened over millions of years, but it will happen instantly, --upon impact. The Geographic North Pole has also altered its point of origin, it was more so in the Canadian Northwest territories, and now is shifting to where we have it today. After all is settled, most likely monsters will be found throughout the world, the cause, the global upheaval, with its ultra radiation, will cause biological and genetic deformities.
Along with this, the coal and mineral oil from dead organisms will be massive. For mineral oil comes from carcasses in addition to petroleum from inorganic, pressure and heat.
In the mountains of Bolivia, 12,500-feet up, of which I’ve been, hippopotamus and other odd and huge looking creatures will be buried by this huge wave, far from its original hunting grounds. Furthermore, the axis of the earth’s rotation will be altered, to roughly: 23.5 degrees, at one time it was a perfect rotation, which had a canopy over it, allowing for perfect weather, and thus, the right temperature for the growth of huge animals. As a consequence of the upheaval, and the predestined limit put on man and beast, the age of the giants will have gone for the most part, and the age of man from 1000 to 500 years will go to between 70 to 120 years.
And now the year is 2700 BC, the time of Gilgamesh one of the last demigods, the King of Uruk. And this is where I stop. Incidentally, if you’re wondering what happened to the good captain in the first paragraph of this story, your guess is as good as mine.
After Eve was created, of which she was by the rib of Adam, so it is written, the world started to change in the Garden of Eden, better known to the Horde as the Garden or otherwise known as the Garden of Eve. During the time Eve spent in the Garden which has been questionable to many, a mystery to some, the animals got their names, and so forth and so on. But things changed more rapidly after Eve ate from the ‘Tree of Life,’ which was forbidden of course, and thereafter, the tree was guarded by one of God’s angels, in consequence, no visitors allowed. To my limited understanding of Eden, it was quite huge, as far as gardens go that is, it extended to parts of contemporary Syria: to include even the desert [however the desert was not a desert at the time of the garden I expect]; furthermore, it extended to parts of Iraq [old Sumer]: Asia Minor [Turkey], and to a number of islands within the Persian Gulf area. It has been said her husband Adam, is buried in what is called Iraq today, this very day, under a great Mosque in the city of Najaf, --this has yet to be proven, but so it shall remain as legend for the time being, yes, for the time being or until someone digs him up. Just a point of interest I thought.
But for the more inquisitive, outside of this paradise-garden was another civilization, another earth, it was much bigger, but then it needed to be, for it was much more dangerous; in essence, it was not a paradise at all or a garden as we might consider one; God was not care-taking this part of the world, only nurturing it. In point of fact, it was this part of my dream: yes, I say a dream that was more prominent, or more well-defined. Of course, outside of this paradise-garden was a dissimilar civilization: --a dying, decaying, and genetically cascading civilization–their…continued-existence was dependent on survival of the individual or group who was most adaptable to change, or most able-bodied, and most intelligent—as life would prove, even evil would have its benefits. This dream of mine, with its ongoing images, and descriptions, one connecting to the other I will share with you in a moment: Eden had come to its finality, as would Sodom and Gomorra in the future, and the Great Flood of Noah’s day, yet to be. As it has been written, ‘God is no respecter of men,’ and so the deed was done, and the penalty was laid out for all to see—the Garden of Eve was now exposed.
The Dream
Call it what you will, a vision, a dream, whatever suits your fancy [they were as they came, for better or worse, real to me—that is the oncoming images of this story], but I will divide up the impressions given me as best I can; some are such as I should not know, for I had never thought of such things in my life. Nevertheless, I will not leave them out. The line between the lower primates and the higher ones might be considered based on the lack of certain characteristics of the orders involved, what one might categorize as higher or lower in brain capacity. I have tried to keep this in mind, as I tell you this story, my story, adventure if you will, or dream-of-dreams: but while it is not easy to think of ancestral forms as far as suborders go or classification, even though it may seem needed, I will try—for I was much involved in the dream, and now I seem to have to–somewhat, characteristically speaking—un-primated myself to tell this tale of tales. I do hope this is where I fit in, that is, I, or me, being the character in the story called: Short-legs. Thence, from here on, I will leave well enough alone I think, and be who I was in the dream, like it or not, yes, yes, oh yes, that is what I shall do, must do to get the right mood out. I will share and explain the various species [specifically, primates and humans] the best I can, in my forthcoming narrative that is. As I have indicated to you, I am in the dream, that is, I am the dreamer of the dream— that is, the environment outside the Garden, I am the person called, ‘Short-legs’. I think I was named that by my mother whom was known as Strong-lungs [sometimes called Smiley]. I think she was called Smiley before I was born, and thereafter, Strong-lungs, something like that.
I will not bore those whom this narrative may reach with a long account of why this came about, her second name that is [Strong-lungs], but when she’d call my brother and me to come home for dinner, she’d yell: “Oh, Short-legs, Stern-toes, OH, OH, and OH, come home for eat-time!” The whole plateau could hear her, and all the way down to and through the Valley of Caves knew she was calling for us two boys.
And I will also allude very briefly to a fight and then get on to my nick-name. In any case, I was cornered by six Branch-People once as a young Horde-lit, and they beat me, O they beat me pretty bad. I ran home and told my mother this, and she simply said: “Learn how to fight better son,” and patted me on the head, as to comfort me. But we needed to be strong, and too much pampering does not make for a survivor in this world, so the patting was of course short lived: save for the fact it gave me some kind of release telling it to mom.
As I was about to say, Short-legs was a nick-name or whatever, but we all seemed to have such names in my dream, because I could run very fast, which seem unnatural for a person with such short legs as I, --none the less, it was noticeable, and so my name developed because of my physical traits and characterized features I displayed, which was not uncommon for this world at large. In point of fact, what else would you call me? In actuality, I could out run, and run faster than the rest of the Horde we lived with [Horde implying—something on the order of pack, group, or collection of visual look-alikes]; to include the Branch-People, and the People of the Fire. But I am getting ahead of my story. I want to say I looked similar to that of Australopithecus, a man, or the makings of one, but this might give a false impression, so I will try to describe myself in a more distinct manner, as well as for my comrades [and perhaps try to draw a few pictures on the side, the best I can: for a picture is worth a 1000-words, so it has been said].
Essentially I could say I was on the evolutionary-line of Australopithecus, but more so with that of the more developed human ancestor called the Neanderthal, or so I thought at the time, but I had to eliminate that idea as well, simply because the brain capacity, and understanding ability was too small in all cases, that ranging from around 450 cubic centimeters, compared to a humans brain of [let’s say] 1300 +. Homo Erectus, which followed this line also, was somewhere around 700 in making comparisons, again a bit small. In any case, I would put my [mine], and the Horde’s, the group I lived with, at about 1000-centimeters; leaving us somewhere in-between this so called human evolutionary line, as far as labeling our ancestry-gene line might go, or my gene line.
See Dennis' web site: http://dennissiluk.tripod.com